Well, it's been ages since I wrote a thing here. Mostly I guess because over here now is just real, normal life and so there's not much that's 'excting' enough to write about! I was horribly homesick for a while, until I went home to see everyone in February this year and since then, I haven't been homesick at all, which has felt amazing.
I started a new role in Inland Revenue at the beginning of December last year. I'm a 'Project Advisor' which is a fancy way of saying 'project admin' but it is at least a step up from actual admin and I get to write business cases and stuff, which I like. It was initially until 30th June but looks like it;ll be extended to 31st Dec - fingers crossed.
In the meantime I am teaching myself Statistics with a great book from a range called 'Head First'. It's challenging but fun. I'm currently about half way through and have maybe 3 more weeks to go... then it's a book on data anaylisis,then another book on sql... then I shall buy the self study book for Microsoft certification called 'Business Intelligence: SQL 2008', something like that. And once I'm certified I can get a job as a business intelligence analyst. That's by plan for the next 12 months anyway!
And speaking of plans... the time has come to do the next visa step. This is a partnership visa which is like a stepping stone to residence. It's for 12 months and lets you do permanent work, so Adam and I are going about that now. There's loads to do for it.
Adam is good, we're happy and still being very nice to each other!