I am reminded of the tickling game that Shem and I used to play. He would tickle me somewhere really ticklish (like my feet or my side) and I would have to stay still for as long as I could bear it. Within seconds we would both be giggling uncontrollably but when I started to wriggle in ticklish agony he would, through his giggles, say "hold... hooold!.... Hold!......" and I would manage to stay almost still for another few seconds of delicious pergatory.
I'm in that stage now. The "hold" stage. It's starting to get a bit difficult to bear (but nowhere near as much as when being tickled) although I know that the fun of dissolving into happy screams of laughter and the end of tickle torture is just around the corner. Oh well, something like that. I expect you get what I mean from this rather strange metaphor anyway.
I'm slowly building little islands of people contact into my days. The last two days I don't think I had a conversation with anyone. I had 2 cinema trips, one comedy show, lots of reading and cafe time but no conversations. However, today I had a date from a dating site. I'm not really doing this for the dating, more the company, and I met a very interesting and intellectual American and we talked politics for 2 solid hours. It was honestly the most interesting and stimulating conversation I've had in a couple of months. This evening I've convinced my flatmates to go for a drink with me. Tomorrow I have another date at 10am (they're very into their coffee dates here) and then I'm going to a wine tasting at 4.30pm. The weekend looks a little barren so far as my flatmates are away for all of it, but I do have an evening out, probably on the Saturday, with a couple of girls I met in the hostel.
So, I'm holding.....
Love to you all!