Thursday 20 October 2011

Oriental Bay and back again...

Well, it has been an eventful few weeks!

I moved into my new place and realised it was rather horrible! I only spent 5 ins looking and just grabbed it when it was offered as I really felt I needed to move out of Adam's - he has a flatmate who has been very good about having me stay for so long but it was never meant to be that long. Anyway, I realised when I moved in that they had no internet, it was freezing cold and damp and mouldy and the toilet smells really bad! And the stove doesn't work. So I only stayed there 2 nights and yesterday I moved out, or at least let them know I'm moving out. The boys there are going too, so no big deal. I am moving into Adam's in preparation of us moving in together! His flatmate moves out early December and then the two of us will take over the lease. It's a really lovely flat and I am very happy about it.

Work is good, busy but am getting the hang of it. Very nice people. And also I have made a couple of friends which is lovely and such a relief. I have been out every night this week so far, which has never happened before and has made me very happy!

So, it's all about the rugby over here. The big final is this Sunday...

... and Adam and I are going away this weekend! It's a long weekend, Monday is labour day here and we are taking his scooter over to the south island on the ferry and we'll then go as far as we want! We are going to Picton for sure (the other terminal) and from there maybe Nelson and maybe Golden Bay. Which will mean only slightly less to you than it does to me! But apparently Golden Bay is beautiful and will mean 4 hours on the back of a scooter... hmm.... But anyway, will be lovely to get away.

I'm feeling much better now though. I had such a bad week a couple of days ago, was terribly homesick. But got better after 4 days after a chat with a couple of friends from home on facebook, which helped immensely.

So... that's me! More news to come, will try to be more regular :o)


Saturday 1 October 2011

England v. Scotland (I want them both to win!)

The first thing I need to do is tell you how great my boyfriend is! :o)

On Thursday he got tickets though work for the musical 42nd Street, which I took my new friend to (she's called Chelsea, and quite young, maybe 23, but very nice!) Then on Friday he bought me my favourite magazine from the UK, which he found a new addition of in a shop, plus he took me for dinner, plus he bought us tickets to see the Red Hot Chilli Pipers. Yes, you did read that right, they're a scottish piper band we found out about in Scotland and they're awesome :o)

Secondly, we've just been out to watch the Rugby, England vs. Scotland. I've never got that excited about sports games, but I've quite got into the Rugby here, it's actually more interesting then football as more happens. I was very conflicted with this game - I couldn't decide who to support - I was all like "well, I am English.... but I'm a MacDonald of Clan Ranald. But I've always lived in England. But always watched sport with my dad and so supported Scotland..." It was very confusing! So I supported England for the first 20 mins, then decided I was for Scotland, and bellowed for them for the rest of the match; until England won then I switched again :o)

Other news is that I found somewhere to live and I move tomorrow. It's a place called Oriental Bay and it's gorgeous, up a very steep hill but with such a pretty view out of the window. I'll post up a pic once I'm there. I'll be living with 2 boys who seem very nice. But I feel a bit sad and apprehensive to be moving out of Adam's place to be honest.... which is silly, I did it before.... but it feels different this time, not a short term fun thing, but something I really need to make work, to make a life for myself.

It's a bit difficult,, I'm struggling to make friends still, but at least Adam is nearly always around, and we hang out together all the time, so that makes it OK. I'm dreading a bit if he goes away anywhere though, I'll feel rather lost. I just need to make some more friends I think, but it's hard.

So that's me. Work is going OK. I'm at the Inland Revenue for 3 months, forget if I told you. It's OK... not ideal, only as it's a PA job and I hate being a PA, but I'm giving it a good go, and the poeple are nice as is the office, so it's not all bad. Here are some pics of the view from my desk though - that's a good thing about it!
