Tuesday 15 November 2011

Windy Wellington!!!

Today my story is about the wind.

The average wind speed in London is between 9 and 10 knots. 

Today in Wellington the minimum is 29 knots and it reached 35 knots at it's windiest.

I have to put up with this day after day after day. Sometimes, and I'm not even exagerating here, you nearly get blown over in the street and you have to stop walking for a minute or hang onto any nearby lamp-posts.
Today is a day like that. Even inside you can hear the wind roaring and howling around the city..

Here is a video off youtube illustrating my point :o)


Monday 14 November 2011

Epic Rugby and babies :o)

Hello!!! It's me again :o)

Um... right. Have to think about what I've been up to. Hmm.....

Well, perhaps the most important thing to say is that I'm all moved into Adam's lovely flat and that's definitely it now. His flatmate moves out in 2 days and then it'll be just us! Or just me actually at the moment, Adam is in the States for 12 days and left on Saturday. I only cried a tiny bit at the airport, and after he'd gone :o) It's been feeling rather strange to be honest.... kind of like I've forgetten how to entertain myself!! But actually it's sort of nice just being on my own and being able to do whatever I want. I had that for so long and Adam and I are together absolutely all the time, so it's kind of been a surprise to realise just how much I've missed it and how nice it is to have my own space again. Apart from my little freak out about what happens if I'm in an accident or the house burns down or something - and I have no family or friends really to turn to. But still, mustn't focus on the unlikely catastrophes!

I'll miss him soon enough though! Everything with us is very, very good indeed, we're still quite shockingly happy together, we still never fight and are nice to each other all the time :o) Feeling queasy yet?! Yes? Oh well, indulge me a little longer... as he really isn't reading this, I can write this with no fear of discovery or resprisals - I keep dreaming about having a baby!!!!! I think finally my body clock is kicking in, perhaps it just does at the right time when you're happy and secure. We're not there yet and haven't really discussed it much at all, but I creatinly hope we get married and have babies soon. I think we would be very good at it :o)

Enough yuckiness.

The rugby was amazing!! I'm so happy NZ won, it really was a once in a lifetime experience to be in the middle of it, we all felt so connected to each other. Even though I'm not a Kiwi! We were watching big screens in the street with half the rest of the town (we'd gone to Nelson for the weekend). The roar and rush of relief  when the final whistle went was surpassed only by the nail biting suspense (or open terror for many!) in the preceding ten minutes. It was Epic.

Work is going well, still pretty busy, still liking the people and the office. Get to do some interesting things every so often with fairly complex excel stuff or innovative presentations. Can't complain really :o)

Also, I went to see Eddie Izzard last week with Adam and loved it! He's very funny. And English you know, one of mine :o)

Er... I have made a nice friend at work, a Scottish lady called Helen. She's my best friend so far. I still have about 4. Need to work on it a bit....

Apart from that there just boring stuff you know, normal life - got to buy a sofa. Trying to stop smoking. That kind of thing. Settling in, settling down stuff. Good I guess. Better than permanent home sickness. Adam and I are having a quiet Christmas, just the two of us, as he'll be working over some of it. That will be very strange. Christmas cards welcome!!!

Apt 24
35 Jessie Street
Wellington  6011

I miss you guys though.