Tuesday, 26 October 2010


So, today I went to Hiroshima. Words can`t describe really. I had only 3 hours in total and half an hour was taken up each way getting there and back. I spent the first hour or more reading everything single word, which was downstairs, and that was awful enough, but then I went the main museum... and it was just too much. I was running late for my train anyway so I ran through most of it, but don`t think I could have stayed much longer anyway. I won`t go into too much detail, but when you read about how calculated the Americans were (and the UK, they were in on all the meetings too) in choosing somewhere so populated for maximum impact, and how they chose not to give any warning... and how part of their strategy was about proving that they hadn`t spent so much money and time for nothing... it just was utterly appalling. I don`t think I`ve seen anything so harrowing. I was close to tears by about half way through and then it just gets worse... I was still on the verge of tears on the tram to the station and on the train as well. I just didn`t want to cry in front of all the Japanese business men on their way home. But it was hard.

It`s an incredible museum and I really recommend you go if you`re ever in Japan. There is an eternal flame, only to be extinguished when the last nuclear bomb is got rid of and one wall is filled with letters from successive Hiroshima mayors to every country when they conduct nuclear tests asking them to stop. 

So from that I went back to meet my new friend Regina, the German girl from last night. We had some more sake a met a guy from Clapham. Dinner went out the window again. I wish I didn`t have the 11pm curfew here. I`m really sad to say goodbye to her as I really feel like a made a new friend, but she has invited me to see her in Hanover and I`m sure I will meet more amazing people soon.

I have an 8.30pm flight to Sydney tomorrow. I`m excited to be going, but sad to be leaving as well. 1 week doesn`t seem long enough. Just a quick moan about he trains though... 10,000 Yen was actually only the one way price. A return ticket was over 22,000 Yen... that`s I think around 180 pounds. Ouch. Lesson is, don`t lose your rail pass. I dread to think how much the return to the airport will be... I`m still trying to be Zen-like about it!

Next post I think will be from Sydney... unless I get bored waiting for the flight!



  1. Having visited the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng prison in Cambodia I can share your emotions,Fi. However, if you had been a prisoner of war, worked on the Burma railway or lived in Nanking when the Japanese arrived there, you might have a different view.

  2. Agree with Mum - well done for going though, it's important to recognise the 'other side' of these things and also how it affected the everyday people. You brave girl going all by yourself. xxx
