Tuesday 1 February 2011

More News :o)

Sorry people, this is yet more about Adam!

So, as I said he met me at the airport last night, with flowers. What an amazing, lovely surprise, and the flowers are gorgeous! He took me out to brunch today before going to work (he's on late shifts this week). I had a call from a recruitment agency in Sydney and they had a role for me, an admin role in an IT dept in a government agency. I told mum about it and she said that probably I should be getting back to real life and I kind of agree with her, it's been a long time without working now, about 4 months... a bit more actually. I wasn't that excited about it though, it sounds an alright role, but if I'm working full time that limits the things I can do in my last three months here, like the silver jewellery making course (Wednesday mornings), the Maori language course i want to do, the personal training, the travelling... although I'm also worried about getting bored in the day!

Anyway, I mentioned all this to Adam and he asked if I was excited about doing it, and also reminded me how excited I was about the silver jewellery making course... and then he said (joking of course!) that he forbids me from working full time! And I thought about it, and actually the thing that will make me happy is not working full time. So I'm not :o) I have other options, I have a possible part time job at a shop at the airport which sells gorgeous oils and creams and ointments and if it's part-time then I can fit other things in. And Adam also needs some transcribing doing and asked if I'd like to do some of that for him. I feel slightly strange about working for Adam... but only I think as I'm worried he might just be being nice in offering it, but then he does need it doing and i have done that a couple of times before. I could do it from home and it would be fun actually, I'd like doing that.

So, the big news is that I finally broached the subject of visas and the future! I had a letter from Fleur which precipitated a chat as I was saying how I want to be home for the birth but I've already change my plans to be back later than I orginally planned. So I just dropped into the conversation how I'd been chatting with my mum and I was thinking that 6 months is not so very long in NZ and it might be nice to be here longer and that I'm thinking of extending my visa, or getting a new one to come back.

And.. he said he thinks it's a very nice idea and he'd like that!

Not such a big deal after all, it was a very casual conversation but it just puts that idea in the picture so he's not assuming the whole time that I leave end of April and then he never sees me again.

I still feel sad and actually i got back and i looked at all my photos of home and the Christmas cards I had from Holly, Fleur and Colin, and pictures of Alfie and actually I cried just a little bit, thinking of being away from them for so much longer, but at least I would be back home in between.

And of course I will miss out on my niece or nephew's first year, which is heartbreaking, and also I miss Alfie so very much.

I mean, it's not decided for sure. It's just that.. I really missed Adam being away from him and that was only for about 10 days. And it was just so lovely to see him. I really can't get my head around the idea of having to just leave here, leave him, and then that's it. In just three months. He really makes me so very happy. A good friend of mine said recently that happiness is the most important thing and that if you find it, don't ever let it go for anything.

I think I agree with that :o) You have to at least try, don't you...

At the very least, I shall see you all in June xxx

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