Sunday 19 December 2010

The Christmas Fairy

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day. I wore shorts. Which is quite a big thing for me as I am not a shorts wearing person. But somehow, in New Zealand I've stopped worrying quite so much about how I look in shorts and I just bought some and they look fine.

I, however, do not look fine. I have a red triangle on my chest and two lovely bright red patches above my knees. They are quite sore. I forgot how strong the sun is... I was just sitting outside on Adam's balcony for breakfast yesterday, and not for all that long either. I look fairly ridiculous but Adam was kind enought to say I don't look silly, I just look like a Christmas fairy :o)

Here is a picture I got sent from my temp agency. I think it sums up the southern hemisphere Chrsitmas feeling very well:

Speaking of my agency, I start my new job on Monday. It is at the Ministry of Education, as a project administrator within their IT dept. I do 2 days, then am off for Christmas, then start back again on 5th Jan. It runs to the end of Feb at the moment, but may be extended. It is just around the corner from where Adam works :o) Sorry, I am trying not to go on about him, I don't want to bore you!! But since we're on the subject..... we have now met each other a whole 9 times but it feels like we have known each other for longer than... let me count... 23 days :o) I am still happy and I still like him and I'll shut up now!


  1. Ha, it looks better than our little tree. Ours was very pretty and, dare I say it, tasteful for an artificial one, quite understated, fairly realistic and covered with glossy dark red berries. It lived in the loft, and has just been brought down by your father. It has been wrecked by a mouse (we live in the country, guys) which has eaten half of every berry, leaving one side of each bright white and chewed. So, do I a) throw it away, b) get busy with red nail varnish or c) hope people think it looks like snow? Answers on a postcard please .........................

  2. I vote B!! Or just get a new one if it's very old...
