Tuesday 14 December 2010

Some possible mortification...

So this might make you laugh... after going on in every post I've mentioned Adam in, about how very much I don't want him to read any of this (at least not at the moment as it would be very embarrassing and kind of like he was reading my diary) I managed not only to tell him I had a blog but then to add him as a contact on skype... where I have listed my blog address!! I even went into facebook and removed it when I added Adam as a friend there, but I completely forgot about the one on skype.

I only know about the one on skype because Adam actually mentioned it to me tonight. But just when I was about to swoon in mortification he said that he thought about it, how I've been writing it for my family and it's kind of private (which I did already tell him to be fair) and he hasn't looked. He just wanted to reassure me in case I was worried about it (see how lovely he is?!)

Which may or may not be true :o) I can't tell, but I shall choose to believe him as it makes me blush less to believe that! I have to admit that if I found a blog of his that I knew he had written about me on I would find it almost impossible not to read... But perhaps he is a better person than me.

Not to go on about Adam (!) but I can tell you one more thing which is kind of sweet. His new flat is very close to mine (about 5 mins walk) and actually we are both high-ish up (I'm on the 6th floor and he is on the 8th floor) and there are not too many tall buildings here... so not only can we see each other's buildings we can actually see each other's bedroom windows!! They are kind of facing each other. I hasten to add, we are not close enough to really see each other, but we can certainly see if the light is on or not. In fact just as I'm typing this I've looked over and his light is on, which is because he has lots of work to do and is staying up late to get it finished (he has his own company and does freelance work too). It feels kind of cute to be able to do that :o) And not in a weird spying kind of a way, I should probably add too!

Um.... what else. I have a possible job for the next 2 months. I've been put forward for it anyway and hope to hear tomorrow. It's at the Ministry of Justice in the IT dept as a project administrator and looks something I'd be very comfortable doing. Except if they make me start at 8.30am every day :o) I applied for another role yesterday which was a financial admin role in a finance dept and looked even more my kind of thing and also was part time, 12 - 5 every day - I would love that!! But we'll see...

OK that is probably enough for now. Tomorrow I am going to a Christmas carol by candlelight thing in the park, which will be nice. Catch you all later, and thanks for all the e-mails I've had recently, I very much appreciate all the lovely messages I've been getting!

Lots of love,

Fi xxx


  1. I bet he has read it and is saving your blushes!

  2. well i think i may of had to read it too

    in a very understanding way cos we can express things to people about others either verbally or in writing the trouble with the written word is that you cant take it away but i am sure you only wrote your feeling so thats fine If he has read it he will of had an on site into the inner you

    take care x

  3. I'm sure he'll have got the jist of this blog and that it's for your close friends and family to hear everything you'd have to say to us anyway! He seems a gent and v. understanding, so probably understands girls better than you think. Don't panic!!

    Miss you FiFi! Xmas won't be the same and god only knows how we're all going to meet up for the annual theatre trip without your organisation, Colin will be there weeks from the wrong date!! :)
    Glad to hear your taking each day as it comes, exactly what this kind of trip is all about. Feel free to wire some money through and I'll join you! :P

    Much love,
    Jam xx

  4. ...It keeps asking me who to comment as. Chose my AOL log-in and for some reason it calls me by my middle name! How embaressing!! x

  5. Thanks for the input mum, kris and Jam :o) I have decided not to care even if he has read it. I have only said lovely things about him and so he will be reassured if anything if/when he read/s it. I know I've over thought it a little in places but I'm sure he's thinking the same kinds of things, because it's perfectly natural to be a little anxious at the start of a new relationship, as long as you're mostly very happy, which I am :o) I don't think he will mind at all about anything I've written.

