Monday 3 January 2011

A juice fasting detox with twice daily enemas? Sweet as...

Hello people :o)

So, I am back in Wellington and yes, I survived for those of you that were worried!! It was all very lovely, Adam looked after me impeccably well, his family are lovely and his friends are really great. We spent 10 days (actually 11 really) together and endured my backache and his allergies with very little grumpiness and no falling out whatsoever :o)

Oh, I forgot if I mentioned - I have pretty bad backache although it's getting better now I've finally found a good physiotherapist. It's been lower backache and a really bad pain in my hip that has been searing down to my foot and causing numbness and tingling from my hip to my heel several times a day for months now. The people I saw in London were rubbish and told me totally the wrong thing. I now have press-up exercises to do several times a day which are compressing the discs in my spine - apparently two of them are squished on the inside or something! But the exercises are helping a lot and it's only a matter of time until it gets better completely I've been assured. The phusio had a good time marvelling at how flexible my back is and put me on a special table that bends you in half backwards as I can go further than my arms let me!! What fun...

So, um... Adam is lovely (did I say that already?!) and I am still very happy indeed that he is my boyfriend.

I have spent today looking at things to do online. If I am not going to work then I will need other things to fill my time or I shall have nothing to talk about and be boring for Adam to talk to :o( I have been wanting to go on a fasting detox for a few years now and have found one in Nelson, so I might pop over and do that next week for 7 days or so. It will help I think with the stopping smoking, eating better/losing weight and maybe the get some exercise resolutions (they have daily yoga) and might be a good kick start for better habits.

Then my mum and Aunt are coming over on 18th January - very exciting! I'm also trying to plan what to do with them - so far I'm thinking three days in Wellington and then a five day tour down the West of the South Island.

Adam is taking me swimming tomorrow, but first we are going to buy a helmet so he can drivwe us there with me on the back of his scotter. This is actually very, very exciting as I have never been on a bike (with a motor). I want to get a pink helmet but Adam seems not too keen on that for some reason.... :o) And yes mum and dad, he is a very safe driver.

Did I mention how lovely he is?


OK, I'll stop now before I make you all sick. And also I'll go think of another adjective.


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