Friday 7 January 2011

Visa vs. Summer Fling

So.... I'm saying this very carefully as I don't want to scare anyone, least of all myself.

I met a boy last night, a British boy, who told me about different kinds of visas including one I had never heard of before. I thought that once you had the working holiday visa , which is a once off thing, there is nothing like it, but I was wrong. Ther is one called an IEP Work Exchange Visa which you can use in the same way as a working holiday visa, for up to 12 months in NZ, up to the age of 35 and you can get one even if you have had your working holiday already.

So anyway, I'm just saying.

Although Adam did call me his 'lovely summer Wellington girl' today which did make me wonder if the above has any relevance! How embarrassing if I'm thinking about possible visa options and he's only thinking 'summer fling'. But we'll see, we'll see, it's too early to think about this stuff yet. It's just interesting because, well, it's an option.

My other news is:

* My new flatmate is absolutely lovely! I was out with her and some of her colleagues and their partners last night and they were all really nice so that was awesome. She is called Lisa, German and 26.
* I am doing a silver jewellery making course for the whole of next week
* I am going kayaking tomorrow in Wellington harbour with Adam and maybe to the observatory in the evening, if the weather is nice
* I am cooking a Roast Dinner this Sunday for Adam, Lisa and Adam's flatmate Amy and then we are going to play a board game called 'Settlers of Catan' that seems a bit complicated. Lisa has never played it before either so we are going to google the rules beforehand so we can try and win - a girl after my own heart!! :o)
* I have been invited to go horse riding with Lisa's colleague next Saturday! I told Lisa it was one of my resolutions and she knew her colleague was into horses so has arranged it for me. She's coming along too. And then Adam is taking me along to a friend's BBQ in the evening afterwards. Hopefully I will be able to walk and not have broken anything :o)
* And then, the Tuesday after that my mum and Auntie arrive, so i will be quite busy. I just booked our South Island accommodation yesterday. How very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. And the most exciting bit is the arrival of your Mum and Auntie..............
