Tuesday 2 November 2010

Cats and Dogs

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...

We had a proper big thunderstorm yesterday and it rained all day. A lot. Stiill, I did make it out as I was determined to get out and see Australia. I made it to the beach where I saw dozens of surfers taking advantage of the wind and ignoring the rain:

Crazy surfers

Today was another totally fab day. Isabel took me to a wildlife centre where you get to interact with the animals a lot, the wallabies and kangaroos and emus all wander around trying to eat things out of your pockets and bags. The emus are a bit scary as they're taller than me! Not that difficult I know, but still... I saw qall manner of fantastic, fabulous, amazing birds and animals - here are a couple of my favourites but if you like animals I recommend you follow the link below!
Wallaby and joey!

Albino peacock

Rainbow Lorikeet


After that we went for a drive into the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Fab views:

Blue Mountains west of Sydney

And then dinner at a really quaint little cafe where I had pumpkin soup. Clearly, with Halloween gone, they're needing to get rid of all the pumpkins...


  1. Sydney looks so fantastic! It's definitely on my 'to see' list. I made pumpkin and gruyere soup for the tea room Fi, and jolly nice it was too; hope yours was.

  2. Dad said...
    Dad says:-

    I wish this blog site would stop discriminating against me. I've no idea why it won't let me post so I've gone through your Mother site. Hope all is well with you. Auntie Jessica and cousin David have been in touch asking for details of your blog site and if they have any better luck than me you may see a post or two from them. Fleur complains bitterly that her girth has blown up out of all proportions, but I can't see any sign of it. You wait, when it does really expand she is in for a big shock.
    As for Quaker Court I've had the new valve installed into the shower unit and guess what.....that bloody knocking noise has stopped hooooray, hooorrraay and bloody hhoooooooorrrrrraaaaayyyyyyyy again!!!!! My time for Africa comes ever closer. Yesterday I handed in the form to the doc for my jabs. I hope it all goes as smoothly as your trip so far.

    2 November 2010 14:00

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