Monday 15 November 2010

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and....

So I have had fun in triplicate today.

10 hours on a bus. I was bored. I was restless.

It wasn't all bad though. We drove past Mount Doom, looking a lot less forbiding than in the Lord of the Rings, but still ever so very slightly menacing. It wa a gorgeous day and it was nice to watch the countryside go by. Here's a Mt Doom pic from t'internet: (it was chosen i heard for it's near perfect cone shape)

Anyway... I'm here, in Wellington and it's every bit as gorgeous as I remember. Actually, on second viewing it has similarities with Sydney - with the harbour and inlets and islets, and lots of detached houses sitting on steep hills overlooking the water. Let me find a picture on the web for you...

Um... OK that's all for today. a 10 hour bus ride only gives you so much to talk about.

Thanks again for the comments - keep them coming :o)


1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, sounds just like Mallaig I thought, and then I looked at the photo.....
