Sunday 7 November 2010

A more chilled out Fi...

OK, I'm feeling better now :o) I found a little friend, she is 22 and on a gap year before she starts her solicitor training. Just as an interesting aside, she thought she was older than me. She looks about 15. Hmm....

So last night we sat and chatted and some more today. Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a quick chat with someone to make you feel better. The massage helped too.

It is so hot, I just cannot explain it. Althugh it's about 31 degrees there is no breeze today. The sweat is pourng off me as if I had just stepped out of the shower. In fact, I've had 4 showers today!

So it's not all so bad. It's only a week after all. Things could be worse :o) We also had a show last night of traditional south pacific island dancing - hoola dancing girls and fire breathing men, it was really good.

Here are some pics...

The island next to mine, taken on boat journey

My dorm room

The beach at Beachcomber

Some traditional dancing

Some traditional dancing

And here is a link to the rest:


  1. great photos fi glad its going well

  2. Hi Fi, the photo of the dorm sure does take me back to San Francisco! So glad things are looking up but sorry that you will be running out of reading matter shortly. Should have taken a book of Sodoku! Actually, if you ask at the hostel they may have a swap library....or just ask around other English speaking travellers. Hugs darling x x x x x
